News Page 15
This page contains all the latest news about school amateur radio clubs. Please contact us to add your SARC news to this page. Send us a picture and description of your SARC activities. Remember to get parental permission to publish student photographs on this site and in our newsletters.
At the kind invitation of John VK3JNF we set up at the Wyndham Amateur Radio Club Hamfest. We had our usual table setup with our SARCTRAC demonstration. Everyone was very friendly and we had a great time.
WARC Hamfest
SARCNET Support for Kairi State School VK4KSS
In 2022 we were asked by Sarah Dean VK4FSLD, Senior Advisor - Emergency Management for the Tablelands Regional Council, to help with an application she was writing for an Australian Government "Resilient Australia Award" for 12 Kairi State School students who had all obtained their Amateur Radio Foundation licences. We where absolutely amazed at the phenomenal success of these students, at a small school, in Far North Queensland. With tuition and help from their Enrichment teacher, Jean McMaster VK4AEL, and the secretary of the Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club, Stuart Dunk VK4SDD, they had managed to pass their foundation licence exam and later won the award they were applying for!
In 2023 we have pledged our support for KSS and the next round of 10 students attending Jean's Thursday morning enrichment class. We have updated our Electronics Workshop Lesson Plans, donated our Electronics Prototyping Kits and various other instruments and components to help with the classes. We are providing weekly Zoom workshops with Jean to fine-tune the programme. Other Victorian amateurs and Amateur Radio Clubs have also answered our call for help: Doug VK3AWO has donated our Mini Morse Code Practice Sets to the school. Moorabbin and District Radio Club has donated electronic components and instruments!
See also: Kairi State School
KSS students building our Electronics Prototyping kit
Testing the conductivity of a potato
Testing the conductivity of fingers
SARCNET @ ARV PTOTA Presentation
At the kind invitation of the president of Amateur Radio Victoria, Tony VK3XV, we held a Public Transport On The Air presentation at 40G Victory Blvd Ashburton. You can download a copy of the presentation here.
PTOTA Presentation: Left to right: Andy VK3XKA, Julie VK3FOWL, Tony VK3XV, Jim VK3JI, Joe VK3TET, Judy VK3FJAG
SARCNET @ BARG Hamvention
At the kind invitation of David VK3KQT we set up at the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention. It was a great day and we made lots of contacts. Thanks to all the members for putting on a great show.
BARG Hamvention