Electronics Lab - SARCNET

School Amateur Radio Club Network
School Amateur Radio Club Network
School Amateur Radio Club Network
School Amateur Radio Club Network
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Electronics Lab
This activity introduces the concept of an electronics project lab and provides practice in their use.
We use an electronic project lab like this one. It has a wide range of electronic components, each with spring terminals so that you can connect the components, using insulated hookup wire with tinned, copper, ends, without the need for a soldering iron.

The electronics project lab comes with a very good booklet, which explains the function of each of the electronic component types and then presents 200 projects to build, complete with a description of operation, circuit diagram and wiring sequence. Here is one example:

These sets are great for a School Amater Radio Club. Especially when some students have already completed an activity and would like to do something on their own.
You will need:
  1. An electronic project lab of the type shown. Even a small one will do.
  2. Batteries to suit.
  1. Lead the students through some of the initial projects, which are intended to build understanding and confidence.
  2. Review the list of projects with them, explaining what some do.
  3. Let them tackle a few projects on their own. Provide supervision if neccessary.
  4. Ensure that all parts are returned to the kit for next time.
  1. Take a photo copy of some of the projects you have built on the electronics lab, ones which particulary interest you.
  2. Can you think of cool applications for these circuits, or ways you could modify them, or use them at home?
  3. Draw a sketch of what a device using your circuits might look like, in its own case, with batteries and switches, etc.
  4. Next time ask your supervisor where you can buy the individual components to build your circuit, how much they would cost and how long it would take to build it.
  5. Ask how you could construct the circuit using more permanent construction methods like Prototyping board, Veroboard or Manhatten style construction on copper clad board, using a soldering iron.
  6. Bring along the parts, next time, and get going.

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